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The Following Video was produced by house2house Home Church Network. We present it here is order to illustrate the Ante-Nicene concept of "relational Church". While there is much Scriptural Truth embedded in this video we feel that we must make clear that while the "Home Church Movement" takes vital steps toward the Ante-Nicene Christian ethos they stop short of embracing the fullness of the Apostolic Faith.

Home Fellowships

The Following was taken , with modification, from the website of  House2House , a House Church network

Here is a list of frequently asked questions about house churches or what we in the A.C.C. call "Home Fellowships".
If your question is not on the list, please feel free to call us at (865) 455-2097, or send an e-mail to  .



What is a Home Fellowship?

Although it goes by many names (e.g. house church, simple church, open church, organic church, etc.), it is simply a group of believers getting together with Christ as their center, and the Scriptures as the ultimate authority. These groups can gather anywhere--homes, workplaces, coffee shops, anywhere that people naturally gather!


"Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am, in the midst of them." ~ Jesus

How do I start a Home Fellowship?
There are many ways! Usually, it starts as a small gathering of friends and family coming together for the purpose of mutual edification in the faith and worship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The A.C.C. would be more than happy to provide a mentor and prayer partner for you or send you as much learning material as you need to get started. 


Are Home Fellowships an effective way of reaching my community?
Instead of begging the unsaved in your community to come to "church" with you, a Home Fellowship lets you take the "church" to them! One new believer starting a Home Fellowship in their home will reach their family, neighbors, friends, and their friend's friends and reach the community much quicker than if we took one person at a time to "church" with us. Also the opportunity for real discipleship is much greater in a Home Fellowship than in a "traditional" church setting because Home Fellowships more greatly foster true relationships among their members.  


Does a Home Fellowship need a leader or pastor?
Although all Home Fellowships are different, and they decide individually how they want to do things, in general there are no "hierarchical leaders." At least there doesn't need to be. Within the A.C.C. we believe that God's Holy Spirit can use any believer to teach or encourage the group. In our Communion, everyone is expected to participate and be looking for ways to use the gifts God's Holy Spirit provides (see 1 Cor. 14:26). In time God will raise up Elders and/or, perhaps a Deacon or Deaconess to His service in facilitating the group; however even then there is no reason why the position of facilitator of your Home Fellowship meetings could not be rotated among all the adults. We believe that even a new believer could start a Home Fellowship in their home without feeling like they need a trained professional to come and lead it, or needing money to support such a person. However, within the A.C.C., it is important to seek out episcopal accountability for your Home Fellowship as soon as possible if for no other reason to ensure the scriptural orthodoxy and Apostolic orthopraxy of your Home Fellowship Ministry.


What do you do with the kids?
Each group will be different, but our principle is to try to include the kids in everything that is possible. So, usually it is the kids who "drive" the worship. They are the ones who choose the songs, will often take part in testimony or sharing, and will help if we are praying with someone. However, when it comes to studying the Word, the groups will vary. Some provide activities so that the kids can just play quietly alongside what is going on with the adults. Others will have a specific kids activity planned. Yet others will let them play elsewhere under the supervision of an older kid. The variety of possibilities is endless. But the kids are not just a part of the church of the future -- they are the church of right now too. They are allowed to be kids. They have the same Holy Spirit in them as the adults -- not somehow a lesser "kiddie" version. I believe that one day we will see kids starting Home Fellowship (as they are in many other parts of the world) and moving powerfully in many ways.


What do you do when you meet together?

Again, this will vary from Home Fellowship to Home Fellowship . . . but here are some of the basic elements that tend to be present in every Home Fellowship:

•FOOD. When you get together, eat! It provides a great atmosphere for people to have honest open communication with each other.

•OPEN PARTICIPATION. 1 Corinthians 14:26 is the basis for what we do when we get together. The key is “Each one has…” Everybody should be able to take part.

•BIBLE STUDY. Keep it simple and interactive. A great technique is to look over a few verses together and then share with each other what each person gets out of the verses.

•PRAYER. Find out what is happening in each other’s lives and take the time to pray for each other. Expect God to move powerfully and to speak to the group as you pray.

•SIMPLICITY. Make sure that whatever you do can be duplicated. If the church is going to multiply rapidly it must be kept simple.

All of these are embraced within the A.C.C. "Common Liturgy" for the Church in the Home.

Aren't Home Fellowships the same as cell churches?
"There is a distinction between cell churches and Home Fellowships or house churches. Cell churches are linked to one another in some type of structured network. Often this network is linked to a larger, single church identity. Home Fellowships may look the same as cell churches, but they generally are not organized under a single authority or hierarchy of authorities. As autonomous units, Home Fellowships or house churches may lack the unifying structure of cell churches, but they are typically more dynamic. Within the A.C.C. Home Fellowships are the primary form of corporate worship and while the local Parish or Diocesan Church may provide guidelines in areas of study, to encourage a greater unity within the various Home Fellowships that make up the Parish or Diocese, each Home Fellowship maintains its autonomy within Apostolic accountability.


Is there a leadership structure that connects all Home Fellowships within the A.C.C.?
Within the A.C.C. the only "leadership" connection between Home Fellowships is that of the episcopate. ( Now remember that the episcopate within the A.C.C. is only part of the Eldership of the Church) . It is expected that episcopal oversight will be provided every new A.C.C. ministry formed within the Communion until such time as God raises up an Elder from within the local Home Fellowship to the calling of Deacon/Deaconess. At which time the A.C.C. will recognize such calling by ordination into the Holy Order of the Communion thus ensuring each Home Fellowship Ministry with proper episcopal oversight in accordance with both Holy Scriptures and the Testimony of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. 


Should all the A.C.C. Home Fellowships in an area be meeting in a large group regularly?

"Do not forsake the gathering of the Saints" . Within the A.C.C. the local Home Fellowships are strongly encouraged to;

1) Meet together at least once or twice a month (if not every Sunday) as a Parish. (The Gathering of the Saints.)

2) Meet periodically when someone with apostolic or prophetic gifting comes through town, and meet in Home Fellowships the rest of the time.

3) Develop a series of mini-celebrations around the city, with groups of churches getting together, while on occasion, maybe quarterly, having a major celebration with everyone involved.

The questions surrounding the importance of networking the networks, having conferences, or providing an international mission's thrust are quite numerous. Parish or Diocesan Home Fellowship networks should be encouraged to explore these areas themselves.


How big should a Home Fellowship get before it multiplies?
The experts claim that 15-20 adults is the maximum number that you should let a Home Fellowship grow to. Although we have had them grow to 40 or more, a group this large loses the sense of intimacy, and it becomes more difficult for everyone to participate.


How do we multiply our Home Fellowship?
Waiting until a church grows to 50, and then splitting it down the middle, is like going through a divorce. Before the group gets too large, we try to send out one or two couples and/or singles to birth a daughter Home Fellowship. If a new family or individual wants to join when our numbers are already reaching a maximum point, rather than include them in the existing Home Fellowship, we will try to start a new Home Fellowship around them. That way it is an exciting church plant that typically has the advantage of moving into a new neighborhood, reaching a new set of people.




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