Ancient Faith -Present Witness - Ageless Spirit

Jesus said, “And this is Eternal Life, that they might know You, The Only True God, and Jesus Christ
whom You have sent."
John 17:3

A Church Home for those Faithful in Christ who
"...contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints."
Jude 3 NASB
"Endeavoring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace.
There is One Body, and One Spirit,even as you are called in One Hope of your calling;
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of All,
who is above all, and through all,and in you all."
(Ephesians 4:3-6)

"In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All things, Love."
Let us welcome you to what may very well prove to be your most rewarding and life-changing step along your walk of faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a true community of Christ's faithful from all walks of life and formerly from all points of the spectrum of the Christian Faith united together in our commitment to the truth of the One God.
Individual members and member ministries of the Ante-Nicene Christian Church embrace and adhere to the Kingdom Gospel of Jesus the Christ in affirmation of Biblical Truth that the God of the Holy Scriptures is the Father alone, and that Our Lord Jesus is His only begotten human Messiah, the Christ, the New Adam, and the Mediator between God and humanity.
In proclaiming this truth we strive to BE THE CHURCH that Jesus Christ, Our Lord established, in the world today. Walking soundly upon the foundations of the historic Apostolic Faith we strive, together, daily to live a deliberate life of faith, having taken the Gospel to heart and manifesting the Love, Mercy and Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the world around us.
We reach out to our fellow believers and nurture true Christian catholicity of Discipleship, Mutual Edification and Accountability in the Faith in genuine and intimate Love for “one another”.
We are Individuals, para-ministries, Parish, Mission Communities, and various charitable and compassionate
ministries untied together by our relational ties in Christ Jesus and with one another.
We are Real People, Living Real Lives with Real Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We share our strengths and bear one another’s weaknesses that we may exercise the Gifts of God's Holy Spirit each of us are blessed to receive in the edification of the Body of Christ, the Church.
We invite you to read over the information on this website and prayerfully consider becoming a part of this wonderfully life exhilarating walk of faith.

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This Week's Insight

"The ONLY True God"
This week we ask you to consider John 17:3. . Read it over then read it again, slowly. In Christ's own words we are given the very foundational truth to the whole of his gospel.